Why Log Your Timber?
It's About Value
Logging can benefit you and your timber resource in many ways.
Timber is renewable, and like any other crop, it will
flourish and increase in value if managed well. Poor management can compromise
the overall value of your timber stand. The advantages to logging
your timber include:
- REVENUE - Timber harvesting helps you increase revenue.
Your timber's value depends on a variety of factors.
Sometimes it makes sense to wait until the timber market is up to harvest.
If you have infestation or disease attacking your trees, it may
be better to harvest more quickly to protect the health and vitality of
your resource for the long term. Another consideration is fire-damaged
trees – different species of fire-damaged trees may need harvesting at
varying intervals.
- PROPERTY TAXES - The state of Montana assesses property
taxes based on the potential of your land to produce timber. It's in
your best interest to realize that potential through the revenues that
harvesting your timber can generate. The greatest value is obtained by
proper management. If not managed, the owner
pays higher property taxes without the advantage of increased revenues
from the timber.
decades ago, Yellowstone National Park was ravaged by a fire that consumed
thousands of acres. Many experts agree that if the forest had
been under a timber management program, including logging,
the damage would have been minimal. Timber management can reduce fire damage
- Increasing access to the timber
Roads are constructed and access to the timber is readily available. Without this access, a fire can start and spread through hundreds of acres before being contained. - Reducing burnable wood
Timber that is not managed becomes too thick and can quickly turn into an uncontrollable fire that burns at extremely high temperatures. The higher the temperature, the more extreme the damage. Managed timber has a significantly lower chance of being destroyed by fire.
- Increasing access to the timber
Properly managing a timber stand will:
- Substantially increase grass production
- Increase stream and spring flow
- More than double the growth of the remaining timber
In order to maximize the value of your timber, it's important to hire the right team. We feel that team is Parke Logging Inc. Please visit our Why Parke Logging? page to answer the question, "Who should log my timber?"